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Brenae jerked in his grip and her head flew backward as she arched and pushed back against him.
Loving how passionate his wife was, Dag continued his assault on her senses.
Within a minute, he knew she was close to coming…which was a good thing, because his balls had drawn up in preparation for their own release. Loving the continuous moans that left her mouth and the way she shuddered under him, Dag grunted in satisfaction when he felt the tell-tale ripples of her inner muscles against his cock.
“That’s it. Come for me.”
With a loud moan, she did.
Dag had the momentary thought that he wanted to pull out and see his come shoot all over her ass, but knew it was too late for that. The come burst from the tip of his cock as if he were a boy experiencing his first lay. His dick throbbed in time with his heartbeat as he pumped his essence into Brenae.
He came so long and hard, he felt his release seeping out of her pussy, but when it came to sex, nothing fazed either of them anymore. When he felt as if he could move without his knees giving out, Dag slowly pulled out of her. They both groaned in disappointment.
Then Brenae braced herself up on her hands and turned around to look at him. She smiled and licked her lips. Dag’s dick twitched, but it would be a while before he got hard enough to fuck her again.
“Climb up,” he ordered, gesturing to the bed with his head.
Brenae immediately moved, tearing her shirt up and off her body as she did. Her bra followed. Dag stripped off his clothes, thanking God he hadn’t tripped over his pants in his haste to get them both to their bedroom.
He got on the bed with Brenae and took her into his arms. They lay there for a long moment, enjoying the cuddle time after the intense lovemaking they’d just experienced. It had been months since they’d gone after each other like that. Shit, he hadn’t even taken off his clothes. Dag’s arms tightened. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” she purred.
“I wanted to coddle you,” Dag said.
“I don’t need coddling,” she told him. “Haven’t you figured that out yet?”
He chuckled, then sobered. He kissed her temple. “I’m gonna call those builders and light a fire under their asses. I need you in our house. With our alarm system. Safe.”
“I’m always safe when I’m with you,” she said.
Dag pressed his lips together tightly to try to keep his composure. Brenae always knew the exact right thing to say. “How’s your neck?”
“It’s fine.”
“No pain?”
“As much as I like you taking control and attacking me in the foyer of our place, I’m still feeling the need to coddle you,” he informed her.
She smirked up at him. “Well, then, coddle away, sailor.”
And he did.
Chapter Seven
Today was the day.
After Brenae had been held hostage in the mailroom of the apartment complex, Dag was done being patient with the contractor. He’d called and threatened and browbeat the poor man until he’d done as he’d originally promised and finished their house on time.
Dag had kept the details from Brenae, not wanting to get her hopes up and then have them dashed if the house was once more was delayed.
Smiling, Dag picked up his cell and clicked on his wife’s name. She answered after only one ring.
“Hi, hon. What’s up?”
“Where are you?”
“At the apartment. Why? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong. I have a surprise for you. I’ll be there to pick you up in about fifteen minutes.”
“What on earth? Dag, it’s the middle of the day. I thought you had that meeting this afternoon?”
“I did, but I postponed it. This is more important.”
“You’re worrying me,” Brenae said.
“Don’t be worried,” Dag told his wife. “Just get dressed and be ready to go in fifteen minutes when I get there.”
After a few more minutes of small talk, Brenae agreed. They said their goodbyes and Dag smiled all the way to the apartment complex. They’d have a lot of work ahead of them in the next few days, but he’d done what he could to mitigate that, hiring a company to move their boxes from storage into their new house. He’d snuck out of work a couple days that week to set up the surprise waiting for his wife at the house, but they still had to move the stuff from the apartment and, of course, unpack.
Jogging up the three flights of stairs to the third floor, Dag unlocked their apartment door and wasn’t surprised to see Brenae ready and waiting for him. Refusing to answer her million-and-one questions, he reveled in her bafflement when he held out a blindfold once they were seated inside his car.
“Really?” she asked with an eyebrow arched.
“Really,” he confirmed.
Showing that she was a good sport, Brenae tied the cloth around her head and muttered, “This better be good.”
Dag leaned over and gently took her chin in his hand and turned her head. He kissed her until they were both breathing hard. “It’ll be worth it,” he whispered, then leaned forward and kissed her forehead before sitting back in his seat and starting the car.
They held hands the entire way to their new house. If Brenae had an inkling of where he was taking her, she didn’t say anything. It took about thirty minutes to get there, but when he pulled into their driveway, the view of the ocean took his breath away, as always.
The house they’d built wasn’t huge…it didn’t need to be for just the two of them. There were two extra rooms for when the grandkids came to visit, as well as a giant master bedroom and gourmet kitchen. But it was the deck that Dag had brought his wife to see.
“Wait here. I’ll come around and get you,” he told her.
Brenae nodded and sat with her hands in her lap patiently.
He opened the car door and reached down, taking her hand in his. Brenae didn’t hesitate, she trusted him one hundred percent, and that blind trust never failed to humble Dag. He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her to his side as he steered her around the house to the back. There wasn’t much yard to speak of, but the huge deck more than made up for the lack of foliage. He helped her climb the stairs of the deck to get to the top, loving the small smile on Brenae’s face.
Glancing at the hot tub, Dag vowed to take advantage of the privacy the house and yard provided to fuck his wife as she stood in the bubbling water, staring out at the vista in front of them.
He guided Brenae to the exact spot he’d scoped out earlier and turned her so her back was to his chest. He leaned down and whispered, “Ready?”
“Ready,” she answered immediately.
Dag reached up and gently untied the knot on the piece of cloth and let it fall to the wooden slats at their feet.
Her startled gasp was the reaction he’d hoped for.
“Oh, Dag. It’s beautiful!”
And it was. The sun reflecting off the Pacific Ocean was absolutely stunning. There was a breeze coming off the water and the sand was pristine. There wasn’t one person on the private beach at the end of the wooden walkway from their property. It was serene. Calm. And all theirs.
Brenae turned and threw her arms around Dag’s neck. “I know we’ve seen this view more times than I can count, but somehow, standing here without the construction chaos around us, and on our finished deck…the view is even better than I dreamed it would be. Can we go inside?”
“Yeah, Brenae. Of course we can go inside. It’s our house.”
She blinked. “But it’s not done yet. I thought we agreed not to tour it again until it was completed.”
“It is done,” Dag said with a small grin.
She grinned. “You must’ve thrown some of that naval rank around in order to achieve that, huh, sailor?”
He returned the smile. “After
seeing you with a knife to your throat, nothing was going to keep me from making sure this house was completed sooner rather than later.”
“I love you,” Brenae told him.
“And I love you. Come on. I have something else to show you.”
“Something else?” she asked with a smirk, moving her hand to palm one of his ass cheeks and squeeze. “Is it in here?”
Dag laughed, but simply took her hand in his and headed for the door. He walked her through the kitchen, the dining room, the living area, smiling as she oohed and ahhed over all the work that had been done since the last time she’d seen the shell of the house. Ignoring the boxes of their stuff, he walked down the hall to their master bedroom.
The door was shut, and he paused dramatically in front of it—before throwing open the door.
There were no boxes of belongings to be unpacked here. He’d made sure their four-poster bed was set up, and that there were clean linens on it. The curtains had been thrown back, spilling the afternoon light over everything. Their dresser was there, full of clothes, as was the bookshelf with all the signed romances she’d collected over the years.
The room was ready to be slept in. They might have a lot more work in their future, but here, in their space, they could relax.
“Oh my God, Dag! It’s perfect,” Brenae said.
“I love you, Brenae. How in the hell you’ve put up with me over the years, I’ll never understand. I wish I could give you the world, but you’ll have to settle for this one little piece of it.”
Brenae didn’t respond with words, she simply stood up on tiptoe and kissed him. Long and hard. Dag backed them up until his knees hit the mattress. He gripped her waist and pulled her down on top of him as he fell. She giggled, and they both adjusted until they were lying cross-wise on the bed. Brenae’s hair falling around her shoulders and tickling his face.
“I wanted our room to be completely done so you’d have a place to go that wasn’t full of boxes and stuff.”
“I love it.”
Dag lifted his head and kissed her hard. Then he put his arms over his head and said with a smirk, “So, now that you’ve got me here, what are you going to do with me?”
Brenae smiled and immediately reached for the buttons of his uniform. As she quickly undid them, she said, “I think I’m gonna ravish you, soldier.”
“Sounds good to me,” he told her.
The next minute was consumed with both of them trying to get their clothes off while not losing contact with one another. Finally, when they were both naked, Dag grabbed Brenae by the hips and tugged her up so she was straddling his face.
“I thought I,” she gasped as he ran his tongue from her slit to her clit, “was supposed to ravish you.”
Dag paused in his attention to his wife’s pussy long enough to say, “You can ravish me after.”
“Um…okay,” Brenae got out before gasping once more as Dag got to work eating out his wife.
Ten minutes later, his face was soaked with her juices and she’d almost smothered him when she’d come, but he couldn’t stop grinning.
When Brenae caught her breath, she scooted back down his body, with Dag’s help, and settled herself over his cock, which was as hard as steel.
Without a word, she lifted, grabbed hold of him, and notched his weeping cock head to her slit. Dag wanted to lift his hips and thrust inside her hard and fast, but he held himself still, wanting to make sure he didn’t do anything that would hurt her.
When he felt their pubic hair mesh together, he looked down in satisfaction. “Fuck, that is so sexy,” he murmured.
Then she moved, and his cock glistened with her excitement.
“And that’s even more so,” he said in appreciation.
Brenae started moving on him in earnest. Her thighs strained with the effort it took to undulate on his lap and her tits bounced up and down with her movements. Dag couldn’t keep the smile from his face. She was his. All fucking his.
He loved watching her get off on him. One hand went to her clit, and she began to play with herself as she bobbed up and down. The other hand rested on his chest, propping herself up. When she began to slow down, Dag brought his hands to her hips and helped lift her up and down on his cock.
He felt her legs begin to shake with her second impending orgasm and he was silently grateful. He’d been on the verge of coming since the moment she’d eased herself down on him.
The second her vaginal muscles clamped down on his dick as she began to come, he lost it as well. Hauling her down on him and holding her as tightly as he could, burying himself inside her as far as possible, Dag exploded, but didn’t take his eyes from his wife.
Her nipples were hard and her chest was flushed red. Her hips continued to undulate as she tried to make her orgasm last as long as possible. Her fingernails dug into his chest, and he’d never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life. The afternoon sun shone on them, their sweat glistening in the light.
After a minute or so, Brenae finally came down from the orgasmic high and Dag caught her as she collapsed on his chest. Her warm breath feathered over his neck and goose bumps broke out on his arms. He felt his dick gradually soften, and after a bit, he popped out from inside her. The rush of their mixed come dripped down his shaft onto his balls, soaking the sheet under them.
He chuckled.
“What’s funny?” she murmured.
“We’re a mess,” he said.
“Yup. Which isn’t surprising,” she said.
“We should clean up.”
At that, Brenae lifted her head. “Seriously? You want to move? Now?”
“We’ve got a hot tub ready and waiting for us,” Dag said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Brenae giggled. Then she sobered and rested her forehead on his. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For everything. This house. Our kids. Our life. Things haven’t always been smooth sailing, but not once have I ever doubted your love for me.”
“Good,” Dag said. “Because when push comes to shove, you are the most important thing in my life. I’d move heaven and earth to see your smile. To hear you laugh. If you asked me to build you a hundred houses, I’d do it just to make you happy.”
Brenae smiled. “I think this one is perfect. I don’t need a hundred.”
Dag brought his hands up and pushed her hair out of her face. Then he kissed her, a sweet closed-mouth kiss, before saying, “You made me a better man. Every day I wonder what you’d think of my actions, and it grounds me.”
Tears filled Brenae’s eyes, but she didn’t speak.
“I love you, hon. You’ll never know how much.”
“I do know how much, because I love you exactly the same way.”
He smiled up at her. “So…wanna try out the hot tub?”
She huffed a laugh. “Yes.”
In a heartbeat, Dag had slid out from under Brenae and lifted her in his arms. She squealed and threw her arms around his neck.
“I should’ve carried you across the threshold, but since I figure we’ll be spending quite a bit of time naked in our hot tub, I might as well carry you into that for the first time instead. Yeah?”
“Sounds perfect to me.”
Later that night, as Brenae slept in his arms, Dag thought back over their life together. He’d been serious earlier when he’d told his wife that he didn’t know what he ever did to deserve her. She was the best thing that ever happened to him, and he vowed to do whatever it took to make her happy for the rest of her life.
He fell asleep with a smile on his face, secure in the knowledge that Brenae was safe in his arms.
For more of the SEAL of Protection: Legacy series, check out the next book in the series, Securing Sidney
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About the Author
New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Tennessee where she lives, but this all American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in Missouri, California, Colorado, Indiana, and Texas. She’s married to a retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.
She debuted her first series in 2014 and quickly followed that up with the SEAL of Protection Series, which solidified her love of writing and creating stories readers can get lost in.
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Also by Susan Stoker
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Delta Force Heroes Series
Rescuing Rayne
Rescuing Aimee
Rescuing Emily
Rescuing Harley
Marrying Emily
Rescuing Kassie
Rescuing Bryn
Rescuing Casey
Rescuing Sadie
Rescuing Wendy
Rescuing Mary
Rescuing Macie
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Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series
Justice for Mackenzie
Justice for Mickie
Justice for Corrie
Justice for Laine (novella)
Shelter for Elizabeth
Justice for Boone
Shelter for Adeline
Shelter for Sophie
Justice for Erin
Justice for Milena
Shelter for Blythe
Justice for Hope
Shelter for Quinn